
The importance of tutoring for school-aged children

  • May 31, 2011
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The importance of tutoring for school aged children

It is extremely important that parents are aware of the importance of tutoring for school aged children.   As the methods of delivering instruction change due to the advancement and incorporation of technology and as standardized testing becomes the new measure of success, one thing still remains, we still expect one teacher to effectively teach to a group of students.  Unfortunately, it is almost impossible for one teacher to provide the adequate amount of attention each and every student needs.   According to (Hams, 2006) childhood is a multistage process where early investments feed into later investments. Skill begets skill; learning begets learning. Effective tutoring offers the following benefits: Individual instruction– A quiet child is more likely to open up and ask questions that they would normally refrain from in a large classroom setting. Small group instruction– Students are more open to helping and learning from each other in a small group of about 3-5 students.  It also reassures other students that they are not the only ones in need of assistance.  In this type of setting, competition amongst students actually can help motivate others to want to achieve academic success. Identifying learning problems– learning centers such as One On One Tutoring Service located in Philadelphia, PA offer testing that will pinpoint students learning problems which makes instruction much more effective as instructors are able to identify weaknesses and learning gaps thus effectively developing a plan to target and build upon weak skill areas. Improved academic performance– systematic tutoring as offered by accredited learning centers like One On One Tutoring, and is based on student needs along with input from teachers can and will indubitably lead to overall academic performance.  By targeting academic weaknesses, instructors are able to fill learning gaps and the end result is improved performance in the classroom. Harms, W. (2006). Enriching Education Throughout Childhood Pays Big Dividends For Disadvantaged. Retrieved from http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2006-11/uoc-eet111306.php

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